The festival takes place on the following venues:
New Town Hall –
courtyard (Nová radnice)
» Husova 3 / Dominkánské nám. 1
» tram
7 (stop Šilingrovo námìstí), tram 4, 5, 6, 12, 13 (stop Zelný trh)
Old Town Hall –
courtyard (Stará radnice)
» Radnická 10
» tram
4, 5, 6, 12, 13 (stop Zelný trh)
Puppet Theatre Radost
(Loutkové divadlo Radost)
» Bratislavská 32
» tram
2, 4, 9 (stop Körnerova)
Liberty Square
» tram
4, 5, 6, 12, 13 (stop Námìstí svobody)
Institution of Ethnography at
Moravian Municipal Museum in Brno
(Etnografický ústav Moravského zemského muzea v Brnì)
» Kobližná 1 (Palác šlechtièen)
» tram
4, 5, 6, 12, 13 (stop Námìstí svobody)
Student club Terè
» Kolejní 2
» tram
12, 13, bus 53 (stop Technologický park)
In case of hard weather the programme will take place in Bøetislav Bakala Hall (Žerotínovo námìstí 6) and the beginning will be 30 minutes later than scheduled (this relates to programmes held in the courtyard of the New Town Hall on Saturday and Sunday).
Notice: Because of the long-term closure of traffic in Husova street (till August 28, 2009), tram-lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12 and 13 partly use diversion routes.
Entrance fees for programmes: | |
Craft Workshop (27/08 – 29/08) | 35,– CZK |
Opening concert (27/08, 19:30) | 90,– CZK |
Children ansambles (We are dancing, singing / There is cake without work) (28 and 29/08, 15:30) | 60,– CZK |
Foreign ansambles (From far and for neighbours) (28 and 29/08, 19:00) | 80,– CZK |
Muzicians (28/08, 19:30) | 80,– CZK |
The moravian gate / When I was twenty (29 and 30/08, 18:30) | 120,– CZK |
Permanent ticket (valid for all the festival programmes without the opening concert) | 180,– CZK |
Other programmes not listed above are free. |
Advance booking of festival permanent tickets and tickets for individual programmes – Tourist Information Centre (Radnická 8) and Brno Culture Centre (Bìhounská 17). From 20 August it is possible to book the tickets directly in the office of Brno Folklore Friends Association.
The tickets can also be ordered via the form below. Choose the required programme (or programmes; all the programmes = permanent ticket) and fill in the number of tickets and your contact data.
» evaluation forms CIOFF (in process)
Sdružení pøátel folkloru
v Brnì, z.s.
Address / Charbulova 231/3, 618 00 Brno, Czech
Mobile phone / +420 603 420 017
E-mail / mff.brno (at)
Web /